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Prophase kdkdjdjjxjxjjxjx
Answer: The downstream components will be altered and ultimately affect production of glucose.
Explanation: Epinephrine is a hormone that belongs to a class of biomolecules called catecholamines. When it reaches the target cell it binds to a receptor that is connected to an enzyme called adenylate cyclase that converts ATP into cAMP(cyclic adenosine monophosphate). cAMP plays an important role in the phosphorylation of proteins which alters their activity. In this case the activity of the enzyme that hydrolyses glycogen to glucose. When caffeine blocks the activity of cAMP it ultimately inhibits the action of the downstream components.
Sedimentary rock forms *over time,* which means that those rocks had to form over millions of years, proving that the Earth has been forming and changing all this time.