accrued basis income: 14,300
cash basis income: 9,500
accrued: we reocgnize base on the time of transfer of goods and the expense are mathced when the period they occur.
revenues 33,700
operating expense <u> (19,400) </u>
net income 14,300
cash basis: we recognize based on the cash collection or disbursement:
collected from customer 25,900
paid expenses (13,600)
insurance paid <u> (2,800) </u>
net income 9,500
Among the choices, letter A. trunk lift can be done with a partner. Trunk rotation and sit-and-reach can be done alone. When doing trunk lift, you can't measure alone on how far you have reached. Your in laying position where you are facing down. Your two hands are pressed under your legs.
the correct answer is
c. Whether the gift was reasonable in the circumstances.
good luck ❤
Net present value aka NPV is the gap between the present value of inflows and outflows of cash. This is used in project appraisal, to know whether a particular project with projected receipts and expenditures would be profitable considering current days. This is just a guide because actual occurrences may dramatically deviate from predictions.