The answer is A.thank you in brain
This behavior illustrates us that the meaning of an utterance, not the physical stimulus, is most important for predicting behavior. Even though the words that are used may vary, the meaning is the same. It is very important to people to know what is behavior they are acting to that they will be aware to the people around them.
It should be: Don is not required to do anything other than indicate on the TDS that there is a musty odor in one bathroom.
Don must disclose the musty odor, but is not required to have the property inspected for mold. Because the buyer is notified of a musty smell, the buyer may request a mold inspection
He is required to conduct a reasonably competent and diligent visual inspection of the property and disclose to a prospective buyer all material facts that may affect value, desirability, and intended use of the property.
la dimensión mental al estado que permite que los individuos desarrollen sus capacidades, y, la dimensión social, que es la manera en que interactúa un individuo con las personas que le rodean, las instituciones y demás elementos de la sociedad.
The both attempted to make permanent settlements