He most likely took by eating it with some food.
There are ways you can help human trafficking victims. There are local clubs or organizations that are focused on helping local police and support of human trafficking victims. You can donate to nonprofits that help human trafficking victims and rescue them.
Maps , depending on the size of the geographic area being depicted on the map need to be DIFFERENT scales so that we , the reader are able to comprehend how far any given place is geographically.In other words, it depends on how big the area is being depicted is
Ersian Empire satraps were appointed to govern the provinces. It was first established in 550 B. C. by Cyrus the Great with the invasion of Media, Lydia and the Bablylonia. The major religion of Persian Empire was Zoroastrianism but then later change to Islam after 7th century.
A policy of extending a nation power by gaining political and economic control over other nation.