the rebound effect; thought suppression
The rebound effect: Also known as the rebound phenomenon.
It is defined as the occurrence or re-occurrence of symptoms that were either controlled or absent while being on medication, yet appears again when that particular medication is reduced, or discontinued in dosage.
Suppression In psychology is defined as the act of resisting oneself from feeling or thinking something. It is considered ineffective because even if a person suppresses his or her emotions, such as anger, the same feeling returns with a retaliation. And, this is what is known as the rebound effect.
The same is happening in the case of Cynthia, even if her teacher asks her not to think about the purple unicorns, she couldn't stop herself thinking for the same.
It would lead to a dangerously powerful national government. They cited the lack of a bill of rights as a dangerous omission<span>.
In a command economy, the system is controlled by the government. A mixed economy is partly run by the government and partly as a free market economy, which is an economic system that includes no government intervention and is mainly driven by the law of supply and demand.
This is the difference between Crude Birth Rate and Crude Death Rate. It helps determine how quickly a population will grow without taking immigration or emigration into account.Malthus said what about population growth?<span>Human population growth will eventually outpace people's ability to produce food, leading to widespread starvation and disease.</span>