Hi, to answer the first question we have to divide the price of the textbook in Canada $150(CA) by $1.10.( since (CA) $1.10 = (US) $1.00.)
U.S. price of the textbook purchased in Canada: 150/1.10 = (US)$136,36
Canadian price of the textbook purchased in the U.S: $140 x 1.10 = (CA)$154
Taking shipping costs into account, (US) $5.00 if we purchase the book in the U.S. and sold in it Canada, it will cost:
$154(CA) + (5(US) X 1.10 ) = 154 (CA) +5.5 (CA)= $159.5(CA)
The textbooks are likely to be purchased in Canada directly, because they are cheaper ( $159.5(CA) >$150(CA))
Taking shipping costs into account, if we purchase the book in the Canada and sold in it the US, it will cost:
$136 + $5 = $141
The textbooks are likely to be purchased in the USA directly, because they are cheaper ( $141(US) >$140(US))