———>>>>>>> A. Protein
Neostimine or Prostigmine is a treatment for Ogilvie syndrome, Urinary retention if without blockage and for Myasthenia gravis. It is then use to increase acetycholine which is the answer that is located in nerve synapses.Myasthenia gravis is an autoimmune neuromuscular condition causing weakness in the skeletal muscles that is use for breathing and body part movements.
The reson you should know this is because it isnt all about weight. What if the person weighs 200 pounds.......it might not all be body fat a lot of it could e muscle
Einthovens's Triangle is an imaginary lead formation for EKG. Developed by William Eithoven, the leads are placed on wrists of both arms and the lower left leg. This forms a equilateral "triangle" for which to measure Electrocardiogram readings.