D)Cells contribute only to the reproduction of an organism
Cells do many different things and do not only limit to reproduction of an organism
they believed the law would help to slow the rate of crime
1) (B) "common law marriage" is generally not recognized until there is a dispute over property or upon the death of one of the parties. Because this type of marriages don't have any license that has been issued by government. It has happened without any formal ceremony, so that it could have been witnessed by parties.
2) (a) "copyright" is a type of intellectual property protection covers original works for an authors life plus 70 years. The inventions begins with the trade secret, before that there is need for securing it from getting it pirated.
3) (c) Sale proceeds from a Chapter 7 bankruptcy are split among"creditors" In case of the bankruptcy the assets of the debtors are paid among the pay holders or we may say the creditors.
4) (b) Bankruptcy proceedings protect the rights of creditors to "exempt assets in possession of the debtor"
5) (c) An independent adoption occurs when "the biological parents choose the adoptive parents" If in case the biological parents, gets connected to the adoptive parents without the help of the adoption agency, the independent adoption can take place.