Guarantee of right to an attorney
Tracy has been assigned to be the defense attorney to a defendant who has confessed to 12 murders. She is asked "How can you defend someone who is guilty os those terrible crimes." She replies with the constitutional guarantee of right to an attorney.
The six constitutional amendment grants a criminal defendant right to an attorney, this means that no matter the crime committed, the defendant has the constitutional right to an attorney.
Social stratification created a huge drift in the Roman society.
Roman people never equal social strata. some were inferior while some were superior. Social categories were based on money, power and authority. An upper class Roman child may enjoy all comforts but the lower class Roman child will satisfy its hunger by eating bread made of cheap flour. Plebeians were common people in Rome. Kids of Plebeians never went to school and the women had no rights in ancient Rome.
Patricians are people who belonged to noble family. Kids of Patricians went to school. They were taught by their parents or an educated slave, The poor worked very hard to make both ends meet. Another very important part was a trip to the baths, even on holy days, but the baths were only for Patricians.
The correct answer is: B) Thoughts, feelings, and behaviour; real or imagined.
<u>Social psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the influence that the presence of other people (Either real, imagined, or implied) has over the behavior, thoughts, and feelings of people. </u>
Social psychologists explain that human behavior is heavenly influenced by their specific social context, thus they describe individuals as permanently having an interactive relationship with their environment.
<u>Social psychology serves as a bridge between sociology and psychology with concepts that complement each other intending to understand human behavior, either individually and collectively.</u>
In conclusion, Social psychology is defined as the scientific study of the way people's Thoughts, feelings, and behaviour are influenced by the real or imagined presence of other people.
A healthcare power of attorney (HCPA) is a legal document that allows an individual to empower another person to make decisions about their medical care. A healthcare power of attorney refers to both a legal document and a specific person with legal authority