Restoring farmlands to wetlands consists of a lot of pro and cons. Firstly, they should consider that wetlands will greatly filter carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reduce greenhouse gases. Wetlands restoration would probably affect the lives of the nearby human residents negatively. This is due to the fact that wetlands provides an optimal habitat to wild animals especially dangerous carnivores like alligators. The regeneration project will expand the habitats of animals, and clean the water system but it will remove the nutrients from the soil.
Compact bone aka cortical bone is a dense, solid and rigid in which bony matrix with ground org. Substances and salts densely filled and leave tiny spaces known as lacunae. These spaces contain osteocytes also called as bone cells. Inside of these osteons there is a central canal which supplies blood vessels and nerves within bone. These vessels provide blood to the spongy bone and living cells housed within compact bones.
Structure of Compact bone: Basic unit of Compact bone is called osteon also known as haversian system. Each osteon consist of four parts.
1. Haversian canal which consists blood vessels and nerves acts as a site of hematopoiesis which is one of the functions of Compact bone.
2.lamellae are concentric rings of strong matrix consisting Calcium and phosphorus. this gives the bone its strength and hardness to bear body weight.
3.Lacunae contains osteocytes.
4.Canaliculi links osteocytes and provide route for nutrients to reach osteocytes.
All the ice in polar caps will melt and this will make sea level high.
Many cities, island countries like mala deeves will submerge in water.
Modern theory of evolution explains that "organisms change over time as a result of changes in heritable physical or behavioral traits". Hence this change suggests the loss of vestigial organs.
- Vestigial organ are those which do not have any function but is present in our body.
- According to the modern theory the genetic and physical appearance changes along with the adaptation in environment by the organism.
- So if the organ looses its function in order to sustain and adopt in the changing environment then they become vestigial and slowly disappear.
- This is the common example for the Lamarck's theory of "use and disuse".