Since Lucy has signed the agreement with Zehmer, their have established an enforceable contract.
The court will have to see the agreement between the two parties as enforceable contract, which can only be terminated, if the two parties agrees. Therefore Lucy have to carry on the duties of the contract he has agreed on, by signature.
The court decision can only be reversed in favor of Lucy, if only Zehmer has deceived Lucy by making him sign the contract without proper information about the contract. Or if Zehmer has failed to perform his own obligation in the contract agreement.
An implicit agreement among the members of a society to cooperate for social benefits, for example by sacrificing some individual freedom for state protection. Theories of a social contract became popular in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries among theorists such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, as a means of explaining the origin of government and the obligations of subjects.
geography effects the early settlement because if you lived near a water source, you would be able to grow crops. if the river started running low you had to make sure that you are able to have an irrigation system. Vegetation was very well next to rivers and bank because of all the fertile soil and rich minerals the water left behind. Before the stone age, people were nomads meaning they had to move around. they had to climb over mountains and walk to scorching deserts, and mosses, just to be able to survive. These are some ways geography affected early settlements.
A. cooled slowly beneath the surface
An igneous rock has large crystals and a coarse-grained texture. The rock most likely formed from magma that cooled slowly beneath the surface.
B. Is manipulated by the researcher