D. recall
Recall = to bring (a fact, event, or situation) back into one's mind; remember.
I have searched for more details online regarding the question:
John, who is a chronic alcoholic, is currently in Stage V of renal failure and has received a call that a donor match has been found for his kidney transplant. Based on the fact that John has destroyed his kidney due to his chronic <span>alcoholism, should he be eligible for a kidney transplant? Why or why not?
John needs a kidney transplant as chronic kidney disease only progresses and since he is in the end-stage renal disease, his current diseased kidneys will not do a great job in clearing nitrogenous wastes in the body eventually leading to uremia. As for eligibility is concerned, if John's chronic alcoholism is still active then he is not eligible for kidney transplantation. However, if John has abstained from alcohol intake for 6 months and above, then he is eligible for kidney transplant provided that he has no other contraindications such as active malignancy or severe cardiac failure.</span>
Malaysian artisans rarely used humans or animals as motifs because Islam
norms forbid animal images as decoration. It is distinguished also in its colors that tend
to be lighter and more vibrant than deep-colored Javanese batik.
The correct answer would be option C, Universal Precautions.
Treating all human blood and other potentially infectious material, as if known to be infectious, for bloodborne pathogens is called as Universal Precautions.
Now here it is important to know what bloodborne pathogens are. These are actually the tiny organisms, called as micro organisms, which cause illness or diseases in the human body. These are infectious microorganisms. The diseases caused by these infectious microorganisms may include Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C and HIV. This type of disease may transfer from one human to another by the exposure of blood through sharp needle like structures or injections, etc.
So all blood must be treated before donating or transferring to other humans and this is called the Universal Precautions.