<span>Besides timber Crete exported food, cypress wood, wine, currants, olive oil, wool, cloth, herbs, and purple dye. Its imports consisted of precious stones, copper (most likely from Cyprus), ivory, silver, gold, and other raw material. They also imported tin that was used in the production of bronze alloys. Interestingly, the nearest known tin mines appear as far as Spain, Britain, central Europe, and Iran. Besides raw materials, the Minoans also adopted from the surrounding cultures artistic ideas and techniques as evident in Egypt's influence on the Minoan wall frescoes, and on goldsmithing production knowledge imported by Syria.</span>
The Battle of Antietam
The Battle of Antietam, also called the Battle of Sharpsburg, occurred on September 17, 1862, at Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland. It pitted Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia against Union General George McClellan’s Army of the Potomac and was the culmination of Lee’s attempt to invade the north. The battle’s outcome would be vital to shaping America’s future, and it remains the deadliest one-day battle in all of American military history.
Answer 1:
After the Japanense dropped the sneak attack, many Americans agreed with the bombing. They saw it as justified for the attack Japan had done to them, though this didn't mean there weren't some protest. All in all though, people were with for dropping the bomb.
Answer 2:
For starters, the desperation is obvious for when they're sending out their own men in suicide missions to sink American's ships. They were trying to do everything in their power to lower American spirit and try to end the war with a defeat, however that was not the case.
Louis xiv had complete authority over the French State, since he was the King of France. This unchecked authority, however, led to massive discontent and eventually the outbreak of the French Revolution.
Mesopotamia is a region between the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates in western Asia. They depended on annual flooding to produce a constant surplus of food because the floods brought silt which was very fertile to the lands and it contained the minerals required by the soil and the nutrients which helps the plants to be more productive.
Also in Egypt floods along the river Nile helped farmers in good production of plants because it carried black soil to their farms which was very fertile.