Poor nutrition and the lack of movement
Obesity is on the rise because of many contributing factors. The biggest two are poor nutrition and the lack of physical activity. Obesity related diseases, such as diabetics and coronary diseases, could well be avoided or at least reduced in numbers if people followed some basic health guidance and changed their lifestyles.
The availability of fast food, which is tasty but lacking in nutrients and full of chemicals, made it convenient for families not to cook. Ready or pre-cooked meals are preferred and people are ignorant of the health danger of such products.
The lack of physical activity is due to sedentary lifestyle of the majority of people nowadays. Being on social media has an impact as well, as people spend long hours playing with their phones or on their computers, neglecting physical exercise or an outdoor activity.
Australia ( may not be right because even though it is the smallest and south of the equator I don't know if it's an island.. maybe try to word the question differently and I can help more lol)
and I can help more lol)Explanation:
It is South of the equator, and the smallest in landmass, and is also an island.
Sometime in the mid-1970s the term peace process became widely used to describe the American-led efforts to bring about a negotiated peace between Israel and its neighbors. The phrase stuck, and ever since it has been synonymous with the gradual, step-by-step approach to resolving one of the world's most difficult conflicts. In the years since 1967<span> the emphasis in Washington has shifted from the spelling out of the ingredients of "peace" to the "process" of getting there. … Much of US constitutional theory focuses on how issues should be resolved – the process – rather than on substance – what should be done. … The United States has provided both a sense of direction and a mechanism. That, at its best, is what the peace process has been about. At worst, it has been little more than a slogan used to mask the marking of time.</span><span>[2]</span>
Greek citizenship stemmed from the fusion of two elements, (a) the notion of the individual state as a 'thing' with boundaries, a history, and a power of decision, and (b) the notion of its inhabitants participating in its life as joint proprietors.
Explanation: .Ancient Greek and Roman societies granted their citizens rights and responsibilities that slaves, foreigners, and other people who were considered subordinate did not possess. Citizenship rights changed over time. While the Greeks tended to limit citizenship to children born to citizens, the Romans were more willing to extend citizenship to include others who had previously been excluded, such as freed slaves.
Citizenship in Ancient Greece. In Greece, citizenship meant sharing in the duties and privileges of membership in the polis, or city-state*. Citizens were required to fight in defense of the polis and expected to participate in the political life of the city by voting. In return, they were the only ones allowed to own land and to hold political office. Because citizens controlled the wealth and power of the polis, the Greeks carefully regulated who could obtain citizenship. In general, only those free residents who could trace their ancestry to a famous founder of the city were considered citizens. Only on rare occasions would a polis grant citizenship to outsiders, usually only to those who possessed great wealth or valuable skills.
* city-state independent state consisting of a city and its surrounding territory
ach status. Also, provide one example of role conflict that you have experienced and one example of role strain. Be sure you are clear on the meaning of each of these terms before beginning this assignment AND to double check that you identify them correctly in your response before clicking submit.
PART TWO: Consider the importance of status and role, and in several complete, well-developed sentences (Approximately 100-125 words), explain Some specific ways how/why statuses and roles are important for individuals AND for society as a whole.