The Nuremberg Trials were trials in which Nazi leaders were charged with "crimes against humanity".
The Nuremberg Trials were a few trials best known for prosecution of former Nazi Germany officials, charging them with crimes against humanity. The trial was held in the city of Nuremberg, Germany, from 1945 to 1949, despite the Soviet's demand that they be held in Berlin. The most well-known of these trials were the trials of war criminals, in which 24 of Nazi's leading leaders were convicted. Those trials took place from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946. Among those charged in the trial were Rudolf Hess, Hermann Goring, Albert Speer and Joachim von Ribbentrop.
Demonization: Artists portrayed enemy individuals as demons or monsters. Example: The poster above of the Japanese soldier with evil eyes.
Emotional Appeal: Viewers emotions were used in an effort to have them agree with the message.
Example: Posters showing that thousands of Americans have died by the hands of the Germans and Japanese.
Patriotic Appeal: Artists appealed to the love of one's country. These posters usually had a country's flag or some form of representation for that country. Example: The use of an American Flag or American soldier.
Name Calling: Artists called other group of people by their derogatory names. Example: Germans were called Huns and the Japanese were called Japs.
Appeal to Fear: The use of fear sought to build support and unite a group of people by instilling fear in the general population. It scared Americans, for example, into believing that the war had to be fought, otherwise, America was going to be invaded by monstrous Germans and Japanese.
Catchy Slogan: Artists used short phrases or words in an effort to grab the viewer's attention. These slogans had to be very easy to remember with a very clear message. These always utilized prejudice or racism that existed against these people. Example: Remember Pearl Harbor!
Bandwagon: The message was clear: the audience was told "everyone else is doing it." It made Americans want to be a part of the crowd, to not feel left out, and to "do their part." Example: A poster saying that victory is inevitable, so you should join and support the cause to be on the winning side...(because who doesn't want to be a winner!)
yw! :)
They were persecuted by the Church of England.
They were extreme Puritans, that is to say they disapproved of several of the rituals and practices of the Church of England that had been established by parliament at the beginning of Elizabeth I’s reign.
Gives citizens a voice in what goes on