Substitutes are goods where you can consume one in place of the other.
The prices of complementary or substitute goods also shift the demand curve. When the price of a good that complements a good decreases, then the quantity demanded of one increases and the demand for the other increases.
channeling your nervous energy
In public speaking people get nervous because of the act of speaking in front of an audience. The main reason for people getting nervous is the reaction of the audience when they speak.
Speakers generally have a routine which distracts them from their thoughts and prepares them mentally for the task at hand. This routine is personalized for people but relaxing one's muscles is a common routine to channel one's nervous energy.
The answer to item above is: The role of ancestry in the traditional religion of Ghana is to make sure that the families remain bonded and loyal to each other. The support of family ancestors ensures progress of their area or their lineage. They organize events or happenings that will renew and strengthen the relationships with their ancestors.
<h3>Atticus does not actually reprimand Scout for going with Calpurnia to church.</h3>
When Scout asked Atticus about what [email protected] is, she did mention that she asked the same question to Calpurnia while she and Jem went to church with her. Atticus does not say anything about the church but he only tries to explain what [email protected] actually meant because Calpurnia did not tell Scout when she asked her.
Atticus actually reprimands Scout for yelling at her Aunt Alexandria. She breaks the rule of no yelling and being disrespectful to others which makes Atticus angry.