The fastest way to obtain the revocation status of digital certificate of the website is by using Online certificate Status Protocol (OSCP).
Online certificate status protocol is the protocol that help user to check and verify the digital certificate revocation status. This protocol is linked with the digital certificate issuance authority. Whenever someone want to verify the status of the digital certificate that is attached to access the website. The website administrator can send the request to OSCP handler to ensure the status of the certificate. The OSCP handler is connected through certificate issuance authority, send the detail to verify the status. After verifying the status, OSCP handler respond as certificate is valid or revoked to the concerned user.
3) Improving image quality
A responsive web design is a web design that makes website to be user friendly to website users. It enables the users to have an optimal and enjoyable experience when making use of websites.
A responsive web design is the basis on which websites are built. It makes websites interactive for users such that that find the websites easy to access, easy to read and very interactive.
Computer programs used for creating a responsive web design are:
a) JavaScript
b) Cascading Style Sheets e.t.c
The item used for formatting a responsive web design is Improving Image quality. This helps to make the website responsive for users.
Your application
This is the donut factory. It exists in complete isolation when it is deployed to the internet.
Your API
This is the road. It opens up a pathway to your app, and allows other software applications to communicate with it automatically.
Widgets, packages & plugins
Different vendors may label these as different things, but they all mean the same. Basically it is a bit of configuration that is done by other software in order to a) connect to your API (security, authorization etc); and b) display information from your application in a nice and useful manner.
It’s worth noting that even though the widgets/packages/plugins are displayed by other software (such as SalesForce), your own developers are often able to build them themselves and upload or install them using special tools provided by the vendor.
The next step that the user should take after connecting an external
monitor to a laptop VGA port is to take advantage of the FN key by using it,
together with the multi-purpose key in which is helpful in sending video for an
external display.