Chemical properties is when a material undergoes a chemical change or reaction like a nail rusting and a physical change can be observed without changing the material like temperature, color, texture, odor,etc.
A supercritical fluid has good properties for both liquid and as for extraction properties, the advantages then include:
- The fact that it has a lower viscosity than liquid CO2 allowing it to move through and around coffee beans more thoroughly with creating back pressure
- Its density is comparable to that of liquid CO2 meaning there is much CO2 per litre as there is liquid form making it more efficient
- It has a higher diffusivity than liquid CO2 which aids with penetration of the coffee beans on a molecular level
This experiment would not work with tea leaves because they also contain caffeine
Liquid :) it goes directly from a solid to a gas. Have a nice day!
500*0.175= 8.75 *40/1000=3500/1000=3.5
A for sure sparrows are like birds but sparrows build holes in trees and birds do nests in trees so for sure is a