Placing an object in a known amount of water, the quantity of the water that rises helpes you find the volume by<u> </u><u>DISPLACEMENT</u>
This method is used to measure the volume of irregular objects like some that do not have definite measurements that can be used mathematically to calculate its volume.
When <u>fully immersed</u> in water, the object will displace an equal amount of water as its volume. If this displacement of the water is well measured, such as using a calibrated cylinder, then it is definitely possible to derive the volume of the immersed irregular object.
The introns of protein-encoding nuclear genes of higher eukaryotes almost invariably begin (5') with GT and end (3') with AG. In addition, the 3'subterminal A in the “TACTAAC box” is completely conserved; this A is involved in bond formation during intron excision.