Semantic regularities
Semantic regularities can be defined as attributes associated with the functions or events carried out in different types of scenes. In this case we are more familiar with what happens at office, a department store clothing section than in a the scene with the lion or microscope because office and a departmental store forms part of our daily routine while for a lion, you need to make out time to visit a Zoo to experience what they do or visit a lab and use a microscope before you can be able to imagine such scene in your head.
Answer: Experiencing a huge depressing moment
When some akward thoughts begin to grow, it brings dark moments to the life of an individual, the thought process start with events that are not working, failures, setbacks, huge disappointments and this all grows daily when the individual is still in those moments, as time goes by, this mood swings and deep thoughts leads to depression. Amber is facing worthlessness and hopelessness due to she's depressed.
The correct answer is <em><u>B) Keep it Simple</u></em>
Classic orators and professionals would usually use unnecessary jargon and acronyms to give an impression of experience and dominate the whole communication.
However, modern theories are completely against this age-old practice. Instead, the aim of every talk about be to communicate with the audience and create a connection where they listen and understand you.
By using simple language, which they can relate to and understand, you will be able to build a bridge and get your message across.
The correct answer is B)
Self-direction is a learning method used to help students understand as they are instructed and give themselves a direction that they ultimately obey. It is, in other of words, the mechanism of self-regulation, or self-command.
It may be useful for students who are hyperactive, and who may have direct instruction issues as well as people who elicit unique strong emotions, too
Also, students with learning disabilities will find self-instruction very useful.
An example of self-instruction is strategy is the W-S-T-C. This means
- What are you going to do about the situation/problem?
- Select a strategy for the task you'd like to perform
- Try the strategy
- Check and evaluate if the strategy works