Johnnie's father is 5′11″ tall and weighs 165 lbs. , while his mother weighs 164 lbs. and is 5′2″ tall. Johnnie's chances of becoming obese are at least 30 %.
If child's both the parents obese then the child are 10-20 times more likely to be obese. The weight gain in early childhood between 3 - 5 years is also significantly greater among children with overweight or obese parents .
When it comes to causes for the rise in childhood obesity, have been many possible culprits such as increase in portion of size, type easy availability of high fat , nutrient poor foods, and fewer opportunities for physical activity.
To learn more about the obese here
<h3>Answer:</h3><h2>Enthusiasm for living is associated with optimal well-being.</h2><h3>Explanation:</h3>
A high-level survey of the different settings, environments, tools, and circumstances involved in the theory of the continuum of care. Continuum of Care is a thought concerning a policy that controls and shadows sufferers over time by a broad array of health settings traversing all levels and depth of care. The continuum of health is significant to caregivers and sufferers identical, and it points to an amendment of the comfort level, decreases expenses and advances health.
The in-line system allows for laying, collec- tion, and grading to take place at one facility. The off-line system transports the eggs out of the laying house directly to an egg cooling room and then transported to an egg processing facility.
Because genetics are influenced by the socioeconomic functions and traditions of the culture, slowly influencing and evolving the average body for a descendant of said culture.
mental health....haha....