The MOST IMPORTANT part of preparing for a hurricane is to create a <em>family disaster plan. </em>This is a plan to take action that all your family members agree on. This includes preparation and a set location to evacuate, who to protect (usually young children or older adults), listening to professional advice, etc.
The effects of a hurricane are different and more intense in certain areas. To prepare, good things to do are agree with family members about ways to evacuate and the safest location to do so. In case anyone gets lost, a set meeting place is also helpful.
The <u>mission statement</u> for Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) is "to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking."
Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)'s comprised of more than three million leaders and national supporters, its objective is to stop drunk driving (offense of driving), support to fight alcohol driving, assist the survivors of these brutal crimes, and discourage drinking by adolescent age groups.
While MADD has an established track record of attempting to reduce alcohol-related accidents in the background, drunk driving fatalities have increased in 2016. According to data shown by CBS this could be one in the worst times on record for impaired-driving deaths.
That would be the artery in your neck (carotid artery) because it's the artery that will have the strongest beat as it's closer to the surface of the skin.
i Think
A junction between two neurons etc.....