The answers that applly are
1. Kidneys Filter waste from Blood ( so the waste can be thrown out through urine)
2. Kidnesys reabsorb nutrients from the blood ( During the process of creating urine, so our body doesnt throw out important nutrients for our body)
3. Oxygenate blood ( kidney helps produce blood cells that could deliver oxygen)
Thats all.
The answer is GERD standing for Gastroesophageal reflux disease
What is the minimum quantity of fruits that should be eaten daily?
B. 2 cups
EXPLANATION: Encoding is a part of memory development which involves the acquisition of information into the brain.
Furthermore, this process is established through the collection of sensory information from the extrinsic environment, the brain receive, code and store the information for record and future retrieval purposes. This process usually involves automatic and effort-based processing.
Hence, Daniel is reading which is an effort-based processing to encodes the necessary information into his brain for future retrieval.