Correlation coefficient is the numerical representation of how one variable predicts the change of the other. In this case, if the AP tests scores and the SAT scores have 0.93 correlation coefficient, this means that the two results move in the same direction. When AP test results go up, then we can say that SAT scores will go up too, same also if one goes down, so does the other.
¿Cuántos años tendre en 2030 si tengo 16 en 2022?

Entonces, Tendrás 24 años en 2030.
Espero que te sirva, salu2!!!!
32/60 =
32 ÷ 60 ≈
0.533333333333333 =
0.533333333333333 × 100/100 =
0.533333333333333 × 100% =
(0.533333333333333 × 100)% ≈
53.333333333333% ≈
the salesperson earned 5% which is; $26.5 then subtract 26.5 from the total made to find out how much the store made which is: $503.5
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