The missing word in the statement above is: life satisfaction. Most middle-aged adults list life satisfaction as the most important factor in happiness. According to the experiments related to life satisfaction, people become older because they become wiser and more knowledgeable and they begin to see that life would be better. This is based from the psychologists, Yuval Palgi and Doc Shmotkin.
Justinian code was so important because because it became the substructure for licit systems of most modern European countries.
The appropriate response is welfare dependency. Welfare dependency is the state in which a man or family is dependent on government welfare benefits for their pay for a drawn out timeframe, and without which they would not have the capacity to meet the costs of every day living.
Jerome C. Wakefield, psychologist at the School of Social Work at Columbia University criticized the (then popular) definition of psychological disorder as “statistically unexpectable distress or disability”. In his view, this definition failed to capture the idea of dysfunction. To Wakefield, a dysfunction is a condition in which some internal mechanism is not functioning in the way it was designed to function. He proposed this definition in 1992.