Answer:saturated fat is 1.1g
Ein Magnetfeld kann erzeugt werden, indem Elektrizität durch einen Draht geleitet wird. Alle Magnetfelder werden durch Bewegung geladener Teilchen erzeugt. Sogar der Magnet an Ihrem Kühlschrank ist magnetisch, weil er Elektronen enthält, die sich ständig im Inneren bewegen.
The answer is chemical energy
Microspheres were spherical bodies with metabolic abilities that could successfully sustain their existence. However they did not contain any genetic material. Which means that they could not replicate or pass off their parts to their successive generations.
But they had no way to evolve since they could not pass off any genetic material to their offspring's. This is why RNA came into existence. RNA enabled an Organism to store its genetic material into nucleic acids, that could be passed on to generations to come. This is also how they could evolve into more complex organisms.
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