Hitler came at a time when the German people were desperate because of the economic situation, partially caused by the war reparations dictated by the Treaty of Versailles.
He mobilised the nation to work and pushed the blame at the seemingly richer Jews and the desperate people saw some hope in him.
Nickel is the correct answer.
Sparta was famous for military strength. Even Athens agreed with that.) The ancient Greeks believed that each city-state had one or two gods keeping a special eye on that city-state. The god in charge of Athens was Athena, goddess of wisdom.
Garfiel Grammar School states that among 100 fifth graders, about 12 students are not chosen by their colleagues to form teams for the annual field day. This happens for many reasons, among which we can mention the lack of positive physical attributes, the lack of skill and the socialization difficulties that these rejected students may present. In this case, it is important that teachers and responsible adults create strategies to reduce this number of rejected students, preventing these students from having low self-esteem and becoming more introverted, in addition to discouraging them from participating in school activities.