lack of conservation
Lack of conservation is found in the preoperational stage as posited by philospher jean piaget. It is evidenced by lack of differentiating whole and fractional numbers . It often develop in the concrete preoperational stage of 2-7. children can not tell that something remains the same with changes in shape,design, or adjustment of the container.
Barrack Obama and then the next one after him might be trump
Two-factor theory
Although employees were not unhappy before the new employee recognition program began, employee ratings of satisfaction on the annual survey were even stronger once the monthly recognition awards were started. This is consistent with the <u>two-factor theory</u><u>
To motivate staffs better, identify what it is that is causing on the job dissatisfaction and attend to them.
Also, if employees are performing well and their okay with pay and benefits, as well as supervisors and working condition, you can decide to start appreciating exemplary ones in other to make them strive the more for excellence on their own
<u><em>There are several factors to consider when deciding to buy or lease a car, since both options have several benefits and disadvantages</em></u>.
<u>But something that can influence, and much, is to know and understand the process of financing and leasing a new vehicle</u>.
<u><em>The correct answer is the D</em></u>: <u>All monthly car payments.</u>