Purpose: To become familiar with the techniques for separation of amixture of solids.
a mixture of pure substances. If you have a mixture of tennis ballsand marbles (not pure substances by the way), it would be easy toseparate the mixture. However, it is more difficult to separate asand (also not a pure substance) and salt mixture. Even with verygood tweezers and a magnifying glass, it would be extremelytedious. You could take advantage of the fact that salt dissolvesin water and sand does not. To separate iron powder from an ironand sand mixture you can take advantage of the magnetic propertiesof iron and separate the mixture.
To summarize a complete procedure for separating a mixture ofseveral substances, it is best to prepare a flow chart. A flowchartis a schematic representation of an algorithm or a stepwiseprocess, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and theirorder by connecting these with arrows. Flowcharts are used indesigning or documenting a process.
Radioactive dating is a method of dating rocks and minerals using radioactive isotopes. This method is useful for igneous and metamorphic rocks, which cannot be dated by the stratigraphic correlation method used for sedimentary rocks. Over 300 naturally-occurring isotopes are known.
No - a precipitation will occur though. Potassium nitrate is soluble in water, so the potassium and nitrate ions will remain spectator ions and stay in solution. Lead (II) hydroxide is not soluble, and will precipitate out of solution to form a solid product.
He should notify the teacher!
An example of an allotrope is carbon:
Carbon can exist in graphite, diamond and amorphous