A bag of lollipops contains red lollipops and purple lollipops. 80% of the lollipops in the bag are red. A number generator simu
lates selecting 10 lollipops from the bag. The number generator is used 10 times and the number or red lollipops in each simulated trial is shown in the dot plot. Which description is correct about the number generator?
The number generator is fair. It picked the approximate percentage of red lollipops most of the time.
Step-by-step explanation:
The other answer choices represent various misinterpretations of the nature of the experiment or the meaning of the numbers generated.
A number generator can be quite fair, but give wildly varying percentages of red lollipops. Attached are the results of a series of nine (9) simulations of the type described in the problem statement. You can see that the symmetrical result shown in the problem statement is quite unusual. A number generator that gives results that are too ideal may not be sufficiently random.