Lab results: The oil will stain red with Sudan III dye since it is a lipid and contains triglycerides. However, since the oil is less dense than water and insoluble in water, the oil will form a layer or globules above the water and appear as a red layer above the water in the test tube
The Galápagos Islands
-Darwin's visit to the Galapagos Islands, helped him discover several species of finches that varied from island to island, which helped him to develop his theory of natural selection. They also helped investigate evolutionary changes in Darwin's finches.
During light reaction of Photosynthesis ATP and NADPH are formed.
Reactions driven by solar energy
H2O=H+ + OH-
4OH- - 4e- =4OH
Second reaction
Carbon dioxide fixation occurs during Calvin cycle.Carbon dioxide is being fixed into glucose molecule.
The name of the enzyme is Ribulosebisphosphate Carboxylase(RUBISCO)
The normal substrate for this enzyme is Ribulose bisphosphate(RUBP)
Also referred to as behavioral and cognitive neuroscience, the field has been used to study child development in highly stressful environment compared to to others especially with regards to school learning. Other examples include its use in the diagnosis of irrelegular sleep disorder and insomnia
I think you just answered your question. They encourage adolescents to eat calcium-rich foods because it aids in bone formation, like you said.