When adding fractions you want the denominators of your fractions to be alike.
The first thing you can do is add your two whole number 4 and 6. 4+6=10.
Now you want to combine your fractions, 3/8 and 3/4. Both fractions need to have like denominators. In order to do this we would change the 3/4 so it has a denominator of 8. I choose 8 because you can take 2*4 to get 8. Since we multiplied the denominator by 2, we have to do the same with the numerator, 3*2=6.
Your fraction is now 6/8.
We can down add 3/8 + 6/8= 9/8
Since 9/8 is improper we need to change it into a mixed number. In order to do this we need to take 9/8 which is 1 and 1/8
We now have 1 1/8 and don't forget the 10 from up above.
10+1 1/8= 11 1/8
Your final answer would be 11 1/8
Hope this helps ;)