It can prove or disprove the fact that your computer is connected it the internet by in turn whether you can do almost anything
b. template<classT>.
Template functions are that can work with generic types. Template lets us to create a function so that more than 1 type or class can adapt the functionality of that function.
We can write the template function as following:-
template<class typename>.
It matches to the option b.
How Many Slides to Use in a Presentation and for how long?
In the past if you asked a presentation skills “pundit” you were likely to hear “one slide per minute,” but times are changing and I don’t think the answer is as simple as a certain number of slides per minute. A presentation slide is supposed to be on for 15 seconds and stop to ask if anyone has any questions, if you are explaining something or reading alond with the slide it could be as long as you want it to be.
I don't know but I am guessing 666 or 777 or 888.