You simplify a fraction by finding it's greatest common factor. A greatest common factor is what both numbers are divisible by. If they can both be divided by two, then you've simplified them a little bit. Keep going until you can't find a common number that can be divided by the two, and you've got your simplified fraction. For example, 10/5 = 1/2 since both 10 and 5 is divisible by 5.
Thus is how you write y=2x-7 in a function notation. ANSWER:F(x)=2x-7.
Bob is 1 1/2 Years Old
Step-by-step explanation:
Hence, Bob is 1.5, or 1 1/2 years old
First you need to find the amount of money the discount decreased.
Then, in order to find the sale price you need to subtract the discount price from the original price of the burger.
Answer: $8