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The answer to this question is B. Yy and has yellow seeds
One-half of the daughters of an affected man would have this condition.
Each daughter born to a woman that is positive for a dystrophin mutation on one of her two X chromosomes possess a 50 percent likelihood of possessing the mutation and also becoming a carrier. Carriers at times do not show the disease symptoms but may give birth to a child that has the mutation or the disease condition. DMD carriers do have a higher chance of cardiomyopathy.
A man with DMD cannot transfer the affected gene to his sons since he passes to his son a Y chromosome, not the X chromosome. But he will definately transfer it to his daughters, since each daughter possess her father’s only X chromosome resulting in the daughters being carriers.
Hence, One-half of the daughters of an affected father and a carrier mother could have this condition.
Velocity is a vector quantity which means it has both magnitude and direction means in order to calculate it another vector quantity is used which is displacement on the other hand speed is a scalar quantity.
A molted external skeleton.