Front matters are pages of a report that preceeds the first text. It is the first section of a book or report and it's usually the shortest.
It is also known as PRELIMINARY MATTERS or for short PRELIMS.
It comes in different forms. It can be as simple and short as just maybe a single title page or it can include multiple titles pages, abstract, preface amongst others.
each firm simultaneously increased output above the Nash equilibrium level.
A French mathematician, Antoine Augustine Cournot developed the Cournot duopoly in his economic model “Researches into the mathematical principles of the theory of wealth”, of 1838.
Cournot duopoly also known as the Cournot competition, is an economic model where two (2) business firms having identical cost functions compete in a oligopolistic market of imperfect competition with homogeneous products.
Under the Cournot duopoly, the competing firms offer identical products and thus, choose an amount or quantity to produce independently and at the same time because they cannot collude.
Both firms in a Cournot duopoly would enjoy lower profits if each firm simultaneously increased output above the Nash equilibrium level.
Hence, the advantage of the Cournot duopoly is that, it inhibits competing firms from deviating unilaterally.
Always state the facts pertaining to your speech.
Always avoid stereotypes during a speech.
Never bash or be bias.
Remain objective.
Have respect for the people and their values as well as beliefs .