a COOL DOWN routine helps overcome soreness and stiffness
Which are the statements?
some stuff to consider when designing a cross training routine-
your goals
balancing your routine
inclusion of activities into routine
activities that can be used in daily routines
First yes i normally exercise then i found ur workout plan entertaining and get u staying in fit because all of it is using ur muscles and it keeps u fit no i would not make any adjustments because all of this is what will get u big and strong and to do more things in life the exercise would make me feel more confidence and be more stronger the last thing is yes i would be continuing the exrcises as u heard me through out my whole answer so do i get brainliest.
1. Because the authorities might not recognize them as hate crimes. Not all crimes are considered hate crimes and sometimes it's difficult to tell unless it was explicitly stated that the person who committed the hate crime did it as a hate crime.
2. I would have one to make sure all people are treated equally by the authorities. To make sure the crimes are actually investigated, and people are properly detained fairly. And to promote equalness above all because we are all mortal and not one of us is more special than the other. We all came in the game the same way we'll leave it the same way to.