Her purchasing power over the year remains the same.
Since the prices (inflation) rise with the same pace as the value of the money (interest rate), Beth can keep buying the same amount of products. Her purchasing power remains equal.
Benefits enjoyed by not having trash in unused building and vacant plots
Opportunity cost is the foregone benefit by deciding in favor of one item over the others. It is the value of the forfeited option. Opportunity cost is quantified as the cost of the next best alternative.
The local government has two options; to support local businesses or two remove trash from buildings. It has opted to support local businesses. Removing trash is the foregone benefit. The joy of having trash-free buildings and plots is the forfeited advantage. The value of a clean surrounding or the benefits derived by not having trash in the neighborhood is the opportunity cost.
Organizational culture refers to the beliefs, ideologies, values and experiences that help in creating social as well as psychological environment in an organization. Culture is formed by the organization based on shared beliefs, interest and attitude that are developed over a period of time.
Organizational culture is descriptive as it includes all rules and regulations, and expectations in detail. It is however not evaluative as it cannot be judged if anybody likes or dislikes it. Culture is only concerned about the perception about the characteristics of the organization.
So, organizational culture is descriptive and not evaluative.
If Ichiro is suing Heather for negligence, but he himself is found to have negiglent as well, his possibilities of winning the case are less even if he was only slightly at fault.
This is because the fact that he was negligent as well reduces his condition of victim, and makes him an active participant in the accident. In other words, if Ichiro is found negligent, it means that the accident and his subsequent injuries were also his fault.