Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
This is the full first amendment.
Generally, each letter spoken is matched and synthesized with the basic sound of the letter, leading to mispronunciation of some words. (For instance, "Animal Crossing" would be pronounced "Ah-n-ih-m-ah-l c-r-o-s-s-ih-n-g".)
If a bank assumes ownership of a piece of contaminated land, the bank becomes a responsible party
Option c
According to the banking norms for getting loan a property has to be attached as a collateral security and agreement of repaying entered between the bank and loanee.
In case of defaulting of loan it is the prerogative of the bank to sell or withheld the property.
So, to recover the loan, bank has the right to sell the attached property which is attached as collateral security even if it is contaminated land. The sole aim of the bank is to recover the loan in case of repayment in which loanee is referred as defaulter.
:Themes. The theme for the movie is the Power of Education, because just with that power, its can bring you to success. Main conflicts include Racial inequalities, the white schools preferred the students of color not to participate in the Debates, another big conflict was the Jim Crow laws.
:The most uplifting message of The Great Debaters is about the legacy passed from one generation to the next: impassioned young people learning the lessons of patience, generosity, and dignity from the older characters as they all struggle for justice