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It is true that Emotional contagion can be done through talking to the other person and synchronization of one's vocalizations, postures and movements
To understand this answer we need to remember the concept and its characteristics so here I go. Emotional contagion describes that one persons' emotions can impact someone else awakening similar emotions just by being observed. They can be induced consciously or unconsciously. However, the way they express their emotions and how they make the other person experience similar emotions is done unconsciously and very important to create emotional synchrony and achieve a profound level of understanding in the relationship.
Evolutionary approach.
An evolutionary approach is a pattern or system of using evolutionary ideas in studying and learning about an individual's cultural beliefs and behavior, habits etc. This approach is used by anthropologists to try and explain how humans evolve through the ages.
In taking the "primitive" societies as the early stage in the development of religions, anthropologists are using the evolutionary approach. In this way, they are turning to the evolution process/ system to determine and learn about religious development.
The Greeks developed both comical and tragic plays.
They werent only spoken
They werent indoors
There were exclusively men playing.
The omnipotence fallacy
The omnipotence paradox or fallacy arise if one assumes that an omnipotent being has no limits and is capable of realizing any outcome or result and even logically contradictory ideas such as creating square circles. This family of fallacies hinges on the understanding of the word "omnipotent" which is the nature of God.
The most well-known version of the omnipotence paradox is the paradox of the stone "Could God create a stone so heavy that even He could not lift it? This phrasing of the omnipotence paradox is vulnerable to objections based on the physical nature of gravity, such as how the weight of an object depends on what the local gravitational field is. Other statements of the paradox that do not involve such difficulties include "If given the axioms of Euclidean geometry, can an omnipotent being create a triangle whose angles do not add up to 180 degrees?" and "Can God create a prison so secure that he cannot escape from it
Relating this to the question, smart think that they are all powerful and they can do whatever they want and will not come to any harm. This is a case of omnipotent fallacy. He feels all powerful.
And believes that because he exercises, smoking (which is dangerous to health) will not cause him any harm, and hence he shouldn't be in the statistics of smokers.