The explanation is given below
Hawaii's Big Island:
Mountain barriers play a significant role in modifying the air masses and topography affects the distribution of precipitation.
The orographic effect takes place on Hawaii's Big Island (i.e) the rising air makes the windward side of the mountains rainy and leeward side of the mountains dry.
Island of Maui:
In the Island of Maui, the high mean of rainfall is found on the windward side of the mountain slopes and the low mean of rainfall is found on the leeward lowlands and on upper slopes of the highest mountains.
It’s a type of Nucleotide
Rough endoplasmic reticulum differ from smooth endoplasmic reticulum by the presence and absence of ribosomes in their surface.
Rough endoplasmic is named so because RER contain ribosomes at their surface and due to the presence of ribosomes rough endoplasmic reticulum play an importnt role in protein synthesis or translation.
Whereas smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not contain any ribosome in its surface.smooth endoplasmic reticulum helps in the biosynthesis of lipid and steroids along with detoxification of toxic compounds.
Are those that become tornadoes, reaching the speed of 480km/hour and measuring up to 1500 mts in diameter in the soil, travel more than 100 km away.