You can assist callers in many ways.
When trying to provide a revision or summary of "There are many ways one can help a user when answering the phone", it is important to make the revision concise and have the exact same meaning as the sentence being summarized. In this case, "You can assist callers in many ways", is the most concise option having similar meaning to the statement.
Answer: Structuralism
The structuralism is the term which is refers to the study of different types of fundamental elements or components such as consciousness, perception and the different types of mental states is known as the structuralism.
The structuralism is one of the type of methodology which require various types of human culture elements for proper understanding the relationship in the system. This concept was developed by the Wilhelm Wundt in terms of structural psychology.
Therefore, Structuralism is the correct answer.
The American Declaration of Independence was used in other revolutions around the world:
B.) because it ended the practice of colonialism
The Declaration of Independence was a step towards the American colonies declaring freedom from British rule.
The correct answer to this question is Congress
Hope this help u
Neuroscience of music about Indonesian music: there are two main scales in Java are slendro and pelog. Slendro is a five-tone scale that very roughly approaches equal-size intervals. The intervals vary within a given scale and across orchestras, but the underlying tuning concept can be considered as a rough five-tone equal temperament (5ET).The musical goal of this selection to express social protest against corruption is to incorporate sléndro/pélog scales to the tones of the melody used as chords changing