The second option is the only one that will work. The last would work but doesn't make the code any shorter.
This is port 80 for clear-text connections and 443 for encrypted (TLS) connections.
With an individual domain name we can upload all the content we want, in a free domain or share domain, upload content in some cases have a limit, for example the size of an image, in an individual domain we can add our brand, in a shared, we can add our brand side to company share those domains, we can have our own email address, practically we have a complete autonomy in our website.
The value will be the original stored in the int variables. This is because the method swap(int xp, int yp) accepts xp and yp parameters by value (They are passed by value and not by reference). Consider the implementation below:
public class Agbas {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int xp = 2;
int yp = xp;
swap(xp,yp); //will swap and print the same values
System.out.println(xp+", "+yp); // prints the original in values 2,2
int xp = 2;
int yp = 5;
swap(xp,yp); // will swap and print 5,2
System.out.println(xp+", "+yp); // prints the original in values 2,5
public static void swap(int xp, int yp){
int temp = xp;
xp = yp;
yp = temp;
System.out.println(xp+", "+yp);