Lower liver border.
The liver is in the upper right side of the abdomen, above it is the diaphragm, beneath is the right kidney, the stomach, and the intestine. If we position our hands on the right clavicular line and bellow the umbilicus, as we move them, we will be able to locate the liber when we arrive at the upper right side of the abdomen and feel if there is any problem.
rudimentary eyes
Rudimentary eyes are eyes covered by skin that do not respond to visual stimulation.
There are different cell potencies. A <u>totipotent</u> cell is a stem cell that can divide itself and <u>differentiate in any cell </u>that the organism needs. That is to say, endodermal cells, ectodermal cells, mesodermal cells, or extra-embryonic tissues. As cells differentiate themselves, they can gradually lose their potential. The cell's category that follows is pluripotent cells. These are stem cells that can only differentiate into ectoderm cells, endoderm cells, or mesoderm cells. Then we have multipotent cells, which differentiate into tissue cells. The next category is oligopotent cells. They give a limited number of specific cells, and lastly unipotent cells, only differentiate in one type of cell.
Answer: [B]: "tropical rainforests" .
This is the only answer that logically makes sense with the question