Create table vendor(vendor_id int,due_invoice int,invoiceTotal int);
Create view v as select vendor_id,max(due_invoice) as unpaid from vendor;
Select sum(unpaid) from v;
Select vendor_id,invoiceTotal from vendor group by vendor_id;
Is a software program that allows users to access the World Wide Web is called an browser or Web browser.
Answer: B. system accounts, contingent IDs
Aside from human user types, there are non human user groups. Known as account types, (system accounts) are implemented by the system to support automated services, and contingent IDs are accounts that remain non human until individuals are assigned access and can use them to recover a system following a major outage. The system account is refered to as the user account which the operating system creates during installation.
Therefore, the correct option is B.
if (arr[i] > max) -> max3 = max2, max2 = max , max = arr[i]. else if (arr[i] > max2) -> max3 = max2, max2 = arr[i]. else if (arr[i] > max3) -> max3 = arr[i]. At the end of the loop, we will print all three values.
The Big Five Factor: neuroticism, extraversion, openness, and conscientiousness.