<em>Hello Kirenya, I recommend going to the link below. It is from Colgate so it should help you a lot. I hope this helps and if you need more help just ask. Have a nice day!</em>
<em>Link: https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/conditions/gum-disease/bleeding-gums-and-other-warning-signs-of-gingivitis-0513?gclid=CjwKCAjwza_mBRBTEiwASDWVvo_et869pPrZ0jvugs8GD6j_fJPu_siate7cRUMEDaA8LGRPKvyIIBoClj0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&</em>
for the swelling she can ice to keep the swelling down for the fracture x-ray it first then if it is really bad put a cast on the fracture
C. Latex gloves
I believe the answer is this because you do use this when you operate a chainsaw.
I think the correct answer would be true. Sports medicine doctors<span> are either orthopedic surgeons or primary care physicians who prescribe treatments for professional and amateur athletes. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.</span>
B) Acceptance of ethnicity is essential for developing a positive or
healthy ethnic identity.
Acknowledging and embracing ethnicity has a great impact on personal well-being.
Studies correlating ethnic identity and
positive well-being has more significant
results than studies correlating ethnic identity with personal distress. This
means that acceptance of ethnicity was more firmly related to healthy ethnic identity .<span>