narcissism and the answer is TRUE.
Narcissism is the theory or hypothesis to have excessive interest and love for oneself. A narcissist admires oneself and his or her physical appearance. Narcissism may be defined as the pursuit of gratification from self love or egotistic admiration of an individual's idealized attributes and self image.
In the context, some of the college students were ask to edit and then explain the MySpace page. MySpace is a popular social networking site where individuals can create their own page to express and present themselves to their connections. Thus they are scored higher for editing and explaining their page on the basis of narcissism as individuals flaunts and boost about their personality and appearances.
The experiment as more enjoyable than participants in the other two groups
Decreases. It is vice Versa. If one increases another does too and so vice versa too.
AIDA ( Attention, Interest, Desire & Action)
With the loudness of the TV set that differ from the rest of the TV programmes it is obvious that it will catch the attention of the viewers.
Attention- The consumer becomes fully aware of a product or brand mostly through advertising.
When Ashley Johnson’s male co-workers make unwelcome comments to her about her body and frequently tell sexual jokes when she is around even though she has been vocal to them that it’s comfortable for her, then it appears that Ms. Johnson is experiencing hostile environment sexual harassment.
This example is still surprisingly present in the real world.