In the context of prejudice and discrimination, the psychology of prejudice examines self-Justification, authoritarian personality and frustration.
• Self-Justification involves denigrating a person or group to justify maltreatment of them, leading to prejudice and discrimination against members of another group.
In the concept of the question above we see how self-justification effect on the decision maker have him stake his reputation to some extent on the project’s success without which he will have low self esteem.
Self-justification shows or portrays a person who always see self preservation as an escape route. The person's natural behavior is consistent with the eagerness to always justify his/her behaviour/action and deny any negative feedback associated with the behavior despite not aligning with the truth
A person who is always justifying his or her actions always construct narratives that suits themselves even when wrong rather than admitting the truth.
Owing up to the truth helps to prevent problems . When a person becomes aware that he/she must not always have a propensity toward self-justification, the person will realise how he has helped himself/herself and his relationship with others.
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