I just took a test with this question and got the answer wrong for saying ethane. The correct answer is propane.
Cathode rays carry electronic currents through the tube. Electrons were first discovered as the constituents of cathode rays. J.J. Thomson used the cathode ray tube to determine that atoms had small negatively charged particles inside of them, which he called “electrons.”
The correct answer is B) electronegativities of the bonded atoms in a molecule of the compound .
When two atoms forming a bond differ in their electronegativities at that time bond polarity is generated
In simple words a bond will be polar when the bonding electrons are not equally shared by two atoms.As a result the atom attract the bonding electron pair towards itself gain partial negative charge and the other atom gains partial positive charge.
For HCl is a polar compound because H and Cl atom differ in their electronegativities,as a result the bonding electron pair is not shared equally by H and Cl atoms.
Fault-block mountain
In geography, fault-block mountains arise when the Earth's crust pulls apart and divides. Some parts of the Earth are pushed upwards whereas the other moves downward forming a divergent boundary. In geological studies, a divergent boundary can be described as a linear feature which arises due to plate tectonics which are being pulled apart from each other. Hence, fault-block mountains are most likely to be seen in a divergent boundary.
Most active divergent plate boundaries occur between oceanic plates and exist as mid-oceanic ridges. Divergent boundaries also form volcanic islands, which occur when the plates move apart to produce gaps that molten lava rises to fill.
ane, al, keto
ol, al, keto
ol, al, one
ol, ane, one.
The suffix –ol is used in organic chemistry principally to form names of organic compounds containing the hydroxyl (–OH) group, mainly alcohols (also phenol). The suffix was extracted from the word alcohol. The suffix also appears in some trivial names with reference to oils (from Latin oleum, oil).
Functional group is a ketone, therefore suffix = -one
Hydrocarbon structure is an alkane therefore -ane
The longest continuous chain is C5 therefore root = pent
The first point of difference rule requires numbering from the left as drawn to make the ketone group locant 2-
pentan-2-one or 2-pentanone