Perhaps general medical knowledge (in depth maybe)?
But really in a PowerPoint presentation you can write about anything so I suggest you think about which part of medicine you want to focus on (personal view but I hope it might help somehow).
Either having too much dopamine - or too much dopamine concentrated in some parts of the brain and not enough in other parts
I’m vegan and bisexual more lesbian then straight
Históricamente, las mujeres han constituido una gran mayoría de la profesión y disciplina académica de la enfermería.
Los roles de enfermería de las mujeres incluyen tanto cuidar a los pacientes como asegurarse de que las salas y el equipo estén limpios. Actualmente, las mujeres constituyen la mayor parte del campo de la enfermería.
Espero que esto te ayude :)
Learning the rules of syntax for a specific language best illustrates the acquisition of phonemes